Are you looking for the best available memory foam mattress? Bodipedic is one of the newer memory foam mattress brands that have flooded the market in recent years as retail sites like have gotten into the sleep system market with economy offerings. The brand has been around long enough that a sizable library of Bodipedic memory foam mattress reviews exist to help the consumer make the right buying decision.
The problem is many of the reviews reveal red-flag issues that should prompt any reasonably informed potential customer to rethink their interest in the brand. This is especially true as other low-overhead Internet-based companies like Amerisleep are offering superior quality products at similar or lower pricing levels than main competitors like Tempurpedic.
Bodipedic is a low-price (generally $200-$500) option marketed mostly toward first time memory foam buyers who don’t tend to have the experience or savvy to know there are better options available. In fact, some disenchanted Bodipedic memory foam mattress reviews depict customers who bought the mattress simply because it was on, which they had purchased other items with satisfaction. Note: That is not a good way to shop for a memory foam mattress – no matter who the retailer may be.
One of the main complaints with Bodipedic memory foam mattresses is that there is only one firmness level (medium-firm) available. When the mattress arrives, many reviewers have reported it being too hard to comfortably sleep. They say the mattresses tend to stay in this rigid state for six months or so before they begin to lose their firmness. This transition continues until the mattress becomes too soft to comfortably sleep.
Another commonly referenced complaint in Bodipedic memory foam mattress reviews is lack of a reliable warranty. The lifespan of the typical Bodipedic mattress is given as five years and that is the stated term of the company’s warranty; however, customers frequently complain it is difficult to successfully file a claim with the company.
Health Hazards of Bodipedic
Off-gassing is an issue with all polyurethane-based memory foam products – including Bodipedic offerings. Consumers should know there is no memory foam product in this category that is immune to the foul odor that emanates from a mattress for hours, days even weeks after arriving.
Consumers who rely on the spoon-fed benefits of sites like may not know the advantages of Made in America green memory foam mattresses offered by Arizona-based Amerisleep.
Plant based memory foam mattresses are superior to polyurethane models because they are environmentally friendly, hypo-allergenic and they sleep cooler than standard varieties. In fact, vegetable based memory foam is clinically proven to sleep 25 percent cooler than even gel-infused memory foam that was created to mitigate heat retention problems with traditional memory foam like that used by Bodipedic.
Because Amerisleep is a superior quality product it has a significantly longer lifespan and associated warranty of 20 years – and Amerisleep stands behind it.
We purchased 2 Bodipedic mattresses from Overstock in late Summer 2010. We purchased 2 sizes and 2 firmness levels. When the medium firm we opened it and let it lay flat & air out for the recommended 2 days. The Queen 11 inch BodipedicMatress around that time was approx 350.00 ( even after I purchased it – I was still skeptical.. it supported me well as a side sleeper and I could get out of bed without my hips being locked up.
The King , Xtra firm was ordered by roommate .. When he moved he couldn’t fit the Matress so I used it .. It was too firm for me..
Both mattresses still holding up great and they are almost 8 years old and used everyday.