We recently caught wind of the Serta iComfort line, memory foam mattresses designed to offer premium cooling comfort. While the iComfort settles into the market, consumers must wait for verified reviews to roll in. There’s no doubt consumers are eager for a cooler memory foam mattress, but will this impulse ultimately cause consumers to invest in the wrong product?
If you read through published reviews on Serta iComfort you’ll quickly conclude there’s not much in the way of insightful information available anywhere online. Until more critical details are available, our own review will function more as an overview. We’ll also take into consideration possible hazards that might affect Serta iComfort further down the line.
We can assume the Serta iComfort will sleep cooler than its predecessors. The heat retention dense memory foam material exhibits has been addressed with the inclusion of a specific gel-based layer. Additionally, although the material composition details are unclear, further layers designed to cool are included throughout the body of the mattress. Early reports indicate these layers are enough to create a cooling sensation throughout the night. It should be noted amongst the minimal amount of reviews anywhere we cannot confirm this to be universally true.
Serta iComfort The Real Deal?
Some of us can’t help but feel the move to gel-based alternatives in memory foam is a kneejerk reaction to consumer complaints by leading manufacturers. Outside innovation has yielded forms of cooling memory foam that adopt natural materials in place of gels, featuring popular open-cell technology that allows the bed to channel air more effectively. We’d like to see more companies adopt such production practices to minimize potential hazards.
The most condemning report on Serta iComfort was published by Good Housekeeping, citing the iComfort gel-infused material as being highly flammable. In case studies that analyzed the flammability of Serta iComfort memory foam pillows, similar in gel-infused composition of the mattress, the results were a clear violation of industry standards. Good Housekeeping went as far to suggest a recall for the pillows, describing the findings as “alarming”. While iComfort mattresses currently satisfy federal fire retardant safety standards, these reports certainly raise a lot of questions.
If you prefer the comfort of Serta but need a cooler option, the Serta iComfort might appeal to you directly. Until verified reviews are amassed, we don’t consider gel-infused beds to be the best option for cooler sleeping memory foam. We’ll supply more details on Serta iComfort as made available.