Everybody hates debt. Between credit cards, mortgages and student loans we can easily see ourselves at the bottom of a steep hole looking up. Fortunately there is one form of debt you won’t lose any sleep over. On the contrary, the more you owe the more you’ll sleep.
What is Sleep Debt?
Sleep debt is the difference between the hours you need to sleep and the hours you actually do. There’s a good chance you’re underperforming as over 50% of the US population alone suffers from sleep deprivation. Have you ever hit the sheets like a rock after a long day? If you fall asleep in under five minutes your payment is overdue.
The Sandman isn’t without compassion. Experts claim the highest possible sleep debt one can is just under 20 hours. That’s great news for new parents who lose 400-750 hours on average in the first year alone. Finding a babysitter might prove challenging if we hibernated every winter in order to pay off sleep debt.
There’s no substitute for great sleep. We typically combat our sleep debt with coffee, energy drinks and (for the truly desperate) a splash of cold water to the face. These are temporary solutions at best. Many of these supplements carry the risk of crash or even dependency. It makes no difference how strong you resist, the taxman is impossible to elude. Just ask Al Capone!
What are the dangers of sleep debt?
Sleep debt is dangerous. Memory and concentration are significantly impaired. 17 hours of sustained wakefulness is the equivalent of a 0.05% blood-alcohol level. Studies have determined 1 of every 6 auto accidents can be traced back to fatigue. Truck drivers are legally required to pull over and sleep at certain points to prevent major incidents. The bottom line is you aren’t yourself when you have sleep debt.
Sleep debt weighs you down. Consider each hour of sleep you miss like lugging around a brick – miss a few hours and you’ll be struggling all day! That weight can become overbearing simply by skimping out on a few hours. Don’t you worry: the internet isn’t going anywhere. Start working on paying off your sleep debt before you accumulate enough bricks to make a house.
Ready to make a deposit? Feel the way you’re supposed to and avoid sleep debt by investing in a better night sleep. It’s one tax that won’t break your back.
PARTICIPATE: On average, how many hours of sleep do you get each night?